Publication Guidelines

For any article to be accepted for publication in JOSEDET, authours must adhere tot he following paper guidelines:

  1. All articles must be written in English language.
  2. All articles must be prepared using only Microsoft Word
  3. Articles in other languages could be accepted if the Journal edicotrs are able to review in such languages

Every paper should be structured to contain the following:


This section(s) should contain all technical contents of the paper e.g. methodology, implementation procedure, testing, results analysis, general discussions etc. All paragraphs should be justified.

Body of Paper

This section should give the background of the concept, statement of the problem, aim and objectives, the significance of the work and scope.


Concluding remarks should be included based on the work done. It should normally explain how the final results obtained or general findings compare to the aim of the paper. Any deviation from expected results should be explained stating possible causes.

More details are provided in the paper format.  Download paper format

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